πŸ’ΈRevenue Share Program

The Revenue Share program provides additional incentives and benefits for HBOT token holders by distributing 40% of all generated bot transaction fees and 1% of the HBOT token traded volume between all eligible HBOT token holders. Conditions to participate in revenue sharing and generate rewards:

  • Buy 1,000 or more HBOT tokens

  • Stake 1,000 or more HBOT tokens

Below are short tutorials on how to purchase HBOT tokens, stake HBOT and examples of revenue rewards distribution.

Buy HBOT tokens: Method #1: Hodless Bot

(If you have not connected/generated a wallet in your Hodless Bot, first, check out our short article: Import or Generate Wallets before making your purchase)

  • To buy HBOT tokens, navigate to the bot main menu:

  • Click πŸ‘‘Premium -> Buy HBOT Tokens

  • In the purchase menu, select the amount of HBOT to purchase and the wallet which you want to use for the purchase:

  • Click Confirm Buy to complete your purchase.

Purchased tokens will be sent to your wallet which was selected during the purchase

Buy HBOT tokens: Method #2: Uniswap

(If you have not connected/generated a wallet in your Hodless Bot, first, check out our short article: Import or Generate Wallets)

  • Enter the HBOT token address into and select Hodless BOT (HBOT) token:

  • Check the transaction info:

  • Confirm your transaction to complete the purchase.

Purchased tokens will be sent to your wallet which was selected during the purchase

How to Stake HBOT tokens to participate in revenue share

To participate in revenue sharing, holders must stake 1,000 or more $HBOT tokens.

Staking can be activated in just a few clicks:

  • Navigate to your Hodless Bot main menu and сlick πŸ‘‘ Premium

  • Click πŸ€‘ HBOT Staking:

  • Select which wallet(s) and amount of HBOT tokens that you want to stake

  • Confirm your staking parameters and click πŸ€‘Stake

A combined minimum of 1,000 staked HBOT tokens across any connected wallets is required in order to participate in Revenue Sharing.

Any gas fees incurred when staking/unstaking HBOT or claiming rewards will be deducted from the ETH balance of the corresponding wallet(s).

What do revenue share rewards consist of?
  • 1% of HBOT token traded volume

  • 40% of all transaction fees generated by the bot

How is revenue distributed? Examples and calculations

The revenue share funds pool is updated approximately every 2 weeks (i.e the base period) based on the amount of revenue generated in the previous base period. This pool is divided by the amount of minutes until the start of the next base period, with this amount being distributed every minute. EXAMPLE #A: Revenue Pool accumulation: The Revenue Share Pool accumulated since the previous base period (i.e 2 weeks) = 14 ETH. These funds will be distributed in the following manner:

  • 14 ETH / 14 days = 1 ETH per day

  • 1 ETH / 24 hours = 0.041666 ETH per hour

  • 0.041666 ETH / 60 minutes = 0.000694 ETH per minute

Each eligible HBOT token holder's share of revenue is calculated based on the amount of tokens held

  • Reward are calculated every block, based on the amount of token

  • Rewards are distributed in ETH (Ethereum)


  • Mark holds 90% of HBOT supply and stakes all of his tokens

  • Susan holds 5% of HBOT supply but does not stake

  • John hold 5% of HBOT supply but does not stake

In the next block, any ETH generated by the Revenue Share system will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Mark Receives 100% of all rewards as nobody else has staked their coins


  • Mark holds 90% of HBOT supply and stakes all of his tokens

  • Susan holds 5% of HBOT supply and stakes all of her tokens

  • John hold 5% of HBOT supply and stakes all of his tokens

In the next block, any ETH generated by the Revenue Share system will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Mark Receives 90% of all rewards

  • Susan receives 5% of all rewards

  • John receives 5% of all rewards


  • Mark holds 90% of HBOT supply and stakes all of his tokens

  • Susan holds 5% of HBOT supply and stakes all of her tokens

  • John hold 5% of HBOT supply but does not stake

In the next block, any ETH generated by the Revenue Share system will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Mark receives 90% of all rewards

  • Susan receives 10% of all rewards

Essentially, reward calculations are recalculated each new block based on the amount of $HBOT stakers and their amount of coins staked.

How do I claim my rev share rewards?
  • To claim any pending rewards, navigate to the bot main menu and click πŸ‘‘Premium -> Claim ETH

Last updated